Village of Blasdell, New York 


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History of Blasdell

The Railroads of Western New York started many communities of this area. One such community was the Village of Blasdell.

The Erie Railroad was laid through this area in the 1870's. A gentleman from North Collins by the name of Herman Blasdell was the first Station Master for the depot built as the crossover of the Erie and Pennsylvania Railroads. He received permission from the United States Government to establish a Post Office in this depot. Having no name for this area and very few residents, he proceeded to put his own name on the depot. Hence, the name Blasdell.

As years progressed he purchased 17-acres of land bounded by what is now Lake Avenue to the South, Silver Street to the east, Pearl Street to the North and the railroad tracks to the west.

Numerous buildings and hotels were built, one of which is the present Blasdell Hotel. In the early 1890's, Wood Harmon & Co. (a Real Estate Co.) purchased land south of Lake Avenue, north of Milestrip (Maple), South Park and the railroad tracks. The land was divided into streets and lots as we know them today, and sold.

In 1898, the people of the area organized to incorporate as a Village, thus providing protection and other governmental services. The first Mayor elected was James Stutts, in 1898.

In 1900, the Village established a water system with fire hydrants. After a disastrous fire on the northwest corner of South Park and Lake in 1903, a Volunteer Fire Department was formed in 1905, consisting of one Hose Company and one Hook and Ladder Company. Additional companies were formed over the next few years.

During the Depression years of the 1930's, federal funding permitted paving of Village streets as well as the installation of the curbs and sidewalks. Trees were also planted on private property.

The Sewage Treatment Plant was established in the year 1925, and updated with a new plant in 1950. The present Village Hall and Fire Truck room were built in 1957. An addition was completed in 1959.

Today, the Village is approximately one square mile.




Blasedell History

Official Web Site of Blasdell, NY. Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.